Causes of Failure With a Connecting Rod

MaXpeedingRods Blog | An Automotive Blog from MaXpeedingRods - Causes of Failure With a Connecting Rod
MaXpeedingRods Blog | An Automotive Blog from MaXpeedingRods - Causes of Failure With a Connecting Rod

The break problem of a connecting rod is often caused by high heat.

The connecting rod is responsible for connecting the piston to the crankshaft, sending power to the crankshaft that rotates at high speed.

In assembling the connecting rod, it must be assembled correctly because it may cause the connecting rod is broken. And another cause of the connecting rod is also caused by lack of engine oil. If there is no film layer to lubrication, it resulted in piston and the cylinder collided and higher heat to expansion. The connecting rod is torn from the lock of piston pin because the lubrication is not enough during high heat when the bolt is locked, it can cause the connecting rod to break at high speed.

To prevent the risk of connecting rod defects, you should choose high quality engine oil. And there is a change of engine oil according to the specified period. For most engines, the connecting rod and piston can be removed from the top of the cylinder and can be check for wear and tear. If there are marks on the ring, then there is wear and tear. Rapid inspection of the ring on the cylinder wall is performed quickly by using a nail to sweep along the cylinder wall. The cylinder will be tripping at the ring marks on the cylinder wall.

The connecting rod is considered a key heart that affects the engine work of the car. An important thing when buying the connecting rod is must notice the appearance of the inlet hole of the lubricant that will send oil into the brass booster of the piston bolt. The water will flow from high to low and the oil is injected up from under the piston then flow back down, so the oil hole that will allow the most water into should be at the top, but if there is an oil hole in the middle may result in less stiffness at the end of the shaft. The original stem and the stem should have a position or degree appropriate to the lubricating oil inflow. And it is important not to drill a hole manually in order to lubricate more oil.

So you should choose quality connecting rods.

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