Anniversary Collection Event: $2000 Cashback Challenge

MaXpeedingRods Blog | An Automotive Blog from MaXpeedingRods - Anniversary Collection Event: $2000 Cashback Challenge

From zero to over 4 million customers from all over the world, it’s been 15 incredible years since we established MaXpeedingRods, and this year, we’re celebrating!

In August, we’re celebrating with a special anniversary collection event. Jump in for cashback rewards, a special collection event featuring the customers’ memories of his car build journey with MaXpeedingRods.

Read on more below for details.

MaXpeedingRods 15 anniversary
MaXpeedingRods 15 anniversary

Activity Time

From August 9th to August 31st.

Anniversary Collection Event

  1. Recording a 3 minutes video to present your enthusiasm on MaXpeedingRods items and share your personal story with MaXpeedingRods.
  2. When ready, submit your video

The collection process typically takes around a week. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible once we receive your video.


The first 100 users who provide qualified videos can get $20 for each.


  1. Please make sure a video is more than 3 minutes.
  2. Please add elements of MaXpeedingRods in the video as much as possible, such as a poster, a product, etc.
  3. Please create a video base on your true feelings and real-life experiences.
  4. MaXpeedingRods has the rights to reproduce, represent, adapt, translate the written, portraiture, photographic, audio, and audiovisual elements provided by the participants.
  5. Multiple submissions will be counted as one submission.
  6. If you have more story would like to share with MaXpeedignRods, you can submit them through the contributor entrance.


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