Kyle Mods Mercedes c2000 with MaXpeedingRods

Customer Build: Kyle Shailen and his Mercedes c200

Editor note: We talk to a 19-year-old boy, we always talk games, but except for Kyle Shailen. As a customer who has bought our products many times, Kyle has shown an extraordinary enthusiasm for cars and a sense of trust in MaXpeedingRods.

I’m 19 and am starting and doing my mechanic certificate. I love cars and love building them. I like modifying my car by myself as I can learn and do everything to the quality and level that I like. I have my own mini business called MTech and I want to build my car to be strong and fast enough to compete at Calder park and Heathcote events.

MaXpeedingRods Blog | An Automotive Blog from MaXpeedingRods - Kyle Mods Mercedes c2000 with MaXpeedingRods
Kyle’s Mercedes c2000

I also want to take the car to car meets and events and prove it on the streets too. I actually own an mk4 golf GTI and a few others, however, this is my main project, because the mk4 golf and any golf really is a close car to me and my family as it is what we grew up in with car-building and racing. And I got it as it’s my roots and I want to show the Australian culture about the VW by bringing the VW scene to compete with all the Holden’s and fords at drag events and roll racing. I am in the process of rebuilding my motor for my GTI and want to make it a really powerful motor. I got a set of coilovers, connecting rods and adjustable height extend short shifters from MaXpeedingRods.

Why did I choose the product from MaXpeedingRods, not from other brands?

The first time that I heard about MaXpeedingRods is just about a half year ago and was surprised that it offers a very wide and cost-effective range with good quality. I think it is good quality and cheaper alternative for aftermarket and upgraded car parts with a massive range.

MaXpeedingRods Blog | An Automotive Blog from MaXpeedingRods - Kyle Mods Mercedes c2000 with MaXpeedingRods
The rods were installed

The rods I installed were on my Ek civic that I had, I had built that to mess around and have fun with on the streets, as long as changing the shifter for a better driving experience. I used the timing chain kit to replace it on a Mercedes c200 which is also one of my personal cars and no changes were needed at all to fit my car. How easy and simple the process of using MaXpeedingRods parts was. All the parts that I have used have worked really well on my cars. I really like the products.


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