Everything You Need to Know About Coilovers – Part Ⅲ 

MaXpeedingRods Blog | An Automotive Blog from MaXpeedingRods - Everything You Need to Know About Coilovers - Part Ⅲ 

Editor’s Note:

We are thrilled to have James, a professional heavy diesel mechanic with over half a decade of experience in automotive vehicles, share his expertise with our readers. James’s background spans working on light vehicles, performance cars, and currently, public transport buses. His passion for performance cars remains unwavering, and we are excited to have him guide you through the world of coilovers. In this article, James provides detailed insights on installing coilovers, understanding their components, and offers valuable tips and tricks to enhance your vehicle’s performance. We hope you find his expert advice both informative and practical.

Everything You Need to Know About Coilovers – Part Ⅰ

Everything You Need to Know About Coilovers – Part II

How To Adjust Coilovers

Adjusting coilovers can be a confusing process, however it can also be a simple one too! The tools you’ll need will be:

-Coilover wrenches

Your coilovers should come with 2 wrenches designed to spin the coilover lock rings.

-Measuring tape

This is required to get an even measurement on each coilover to ensure correct ride height. (A steel rule or vernier calipers can also be used here, but most people have a measuring tape on hand!)

-Paint pen

This is optional, but this helps mark where your lock rings are positioned, and can also allow you to determine if the lock rings have come loose or not.

To adjust your coilovers, have your vehicle jacked up and correctly supported and be up to step 4 of the installation instructions above. Then:

1.Compare the coilovers to your OEM strut assembly. Take note of any height differences between the two. (Ensure when you compare the two assemblies, make sure you’re comparing the front right coilover, with the front right strut assembly!)

2.Crack the top lock ring using the coilover wrenches provided. Make sure to not accidentally crack the wrong ring!

3.Spin the bottom shock absorber body counterclockwise to lengthen the coilover, and clockwise to shorten the coilover. (Remember: lefty loosey, righty tighty!)

4.Adjust the coilover to match the OEM strut assembly. Afterwards, tighten the lock rings.

5.Follow the installation instructions above until step 8. If you’re happy with the ride height, then you’re done!

If you are satisfied with your ride height, then you’re done! Make sure that the heights are all even per axle, torque everything down, and then proceed to step 9 of the installation instructions listed above. However:

6.If you aren’t satisfied with the current ride height, lift and support the car, then take the wheels off the car.

7.Measure the distance between the top lock ring, and the bottom of your coilover assembly. Make sure to note that down!

8.Depending on if you want to raise or lower your vehicle, you will loosen the coilover lock rings and proceed to turn the coilover to either raise or lower the car! (Make sure that each axle is the same height. For example, the fronts are 12mm off the ground, and the rears are 14mm off the ground.)

9.After adjusting the coilover, tighten the lock rings. Proceed to continue with the installation instructions from step 8.

10.After driving 100 kilometers (or approximately 60 miles), check the torque specs of every component. (This includes your lock rings)

Everything You Need to Know About Coilovers – Part Ⅰ

Everything You Need to Know About Coilovers – Part II


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