Videos: AWD CRX Build Gets MaXpeedingRods Coilovers

MaXpeedingRods Blog | An Automotive Blog from MaXpeedingRods - Videos: AWD CRX Build Gets MaXpeedingRods Coilovers

Eitor’s NoteIn this video, Youtuber SP Tuning took a video review about MaXpeedingRods honda civic coilovers.

MaXpeedingRods focus on selling a whole bunch of aftermarket components including H-beam connecting rods, adjustable coilovers, performance turbos, crankshafts, etc.

How about the Honda Accord 90-97 coilovers?SP Tuning talked mainly of three points.

1. Damper Adjustment
One thing that only about maybe 30 or 40 percent of the coilovers on the market right now have is this next thing that is super important damper adjustment, but the ones that have this are so much more fine tunable for your specific setup.

2. Spanner Wrenches
Some people like to do the flat head with a hammer and sure you can use it if you’re in a pinch. But it’s always important to have the proper spanner wrenches. It saves you a lot of headache instead of splitting the adjustment rings or anything.

3. Little Collars
It’s kind of like a spacer or a shim if you would. If your chassis is slightly different than the coilover, you can kind of just slip these little collars over the bottom and not have any issues.

Watch the quick video for more information and a closer look at the Honda Accord 90-97 Coilovers to see whether it’s a good fit for your vehicle.


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