Customer Build: Andy’s Trip to the Glamis Dunes with Baja Bug

Baja Bug with a Chevy 5.7 v8 engine

Editor’s Note: Today, we talk about Dune, the Glamis dune. Glamis dune tells the story of Andy Beltran, a brilliant and gifted young man, who built his own Baja Bug that he enjoys taking to the dunes.

Baja Bug with a Chevy 5.7 v8 engine
Andy’s Baja Bug with a Chevy 5.7 v8 engine

My name is Andy. Anything that I could make fast I love.

I love to off-road along with working on off-road vehicles. I have a 1960 VW Volkswagen Bug made into a Baja Bug with a Chevy 5.7 v8 engine. I have built my own Baja Bug that I enjoy taking to the dunes.

I am interested in modifying the car myself because I would like to put more power into it, and the feeling when the power kicks in is unexplainable.

To me, the meaning of this car is having a good time dunning in it and doing heavy modifies to improve the power. It’s the hobby I love. The reason for modifying my car is to give it more power to have a better experience out in the dunes.

MaXpeedingRods Blog | An Automotive Blog from MaXpeedingRods - Customer Build: Andy’s Trip to the Glamis Dunes with Baja Bug
Baja Bug with a Chevy 5.7 v8 engine

I would love for my car to have a lot more torque, and the turbo will make it happen. knowing that it will wake up the engine when the boost hits hold on tight, I chose a GT45 turbo from MaXpeedingRods because I saw good reviews online and decided to give it a try and for a good price.

To install the turbo, I did not have to make any changes on the actual turbo, but I had to modify the car’s exhaust to make it work on my setup. I modified my exhaust system a two into 1 set up with the turbo mounted in the middle, ran an oil feed line to it, no Intercooler for now, and going to see how it goes.

The car means a lot to me. I entirely built it in my driveway from a regular VW Bug to a full-on Baja Bug with a V8 chevy lt1 engine and suspension for the desert and sand dunes. The turbo is in the process of getting the Baja Bug tuned to perform at its best.

MaXpeedingRods Blog | An Automotive Blog from MaXpeedingRods - Customer Build: Andy’s Trip to the Glamis Dunes with Baja Bug
MaXpeedingRods GT45 turbo on a chevy 5.7 v8 engine

I believe the turbo will add power as what it was made to do so from MaXpeedingRods. MaXpeedingRods and the team are awesome and make very good products. I am more than happy with MaXpeedingRods, and the service is great.


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