Customer Build: Warren’s VW Golfs

Customer Build: Warren and his VW Golf Mk6

Editor note: Living in South Africa with inspiration and passion for cars, Warren Hester is proud of designing and building his project car in his little garage. Today he shares the story with MaXpeedingRods of how the crankshaft and connecting rods have made his life easier.

MaXpeedingRods Blog | An Automotive Blog from MaXpeedingRods - Customer Build: Warren's VW Golfs
Warren Has One VW Golf Mk6 and Two VW Golf Mk1

My name is Warren and I’m a very hardworking, dedicated, and disciplined person. From childhood, I have been interested in cars as my father who is an ex-rally driver and taught me a lot of driving skills when it came to modifying cars. It was always my childhood dream to follow in his footsteps and this is why I’m now pursuing those dreams.

I have three VW Golf cars: one is VW Golf Mk6 and two are VW Golf Mk1, one of which I am using as my project racing car (homebuilt). I am proud of something I build myself in my own spare time in my little garage. Many parts and internal engine components of my project car I design myself. 

And, I love drag racing. I am still in school at the time but I won many trophies in the past when I was doing drag racing. Competing against top experienced guys which I did very well against. Therefore, I can build my own car from scratch in my garage using the skills gained from drag racing.

As for the reason I chose the product from MaXpeedingRods, the first is to test the final product and to see the outcome when the parts get put together. The second is for drag racing purposes. The third reason is for the price and quality that MaXpeedlingRods offered because you won’t find any product with such excellent precision on dimensions and superb quality all around.

MaXpeedingRods Blog | An Automotive Blog from MaXpeedingRods - Customer Build: Warren's VW Golfs
The Precision on Dimensions and Superb Quality of Crankshaft Amazed Warren

It is worth mentioning that the crankshaft and the conrod I got from MaXpeedingRods made my life so much easier. NO HASSLES, NO FUSS. The pure quality and precision I could tell the moment when I swing the crankshaft, effortless with the flick of my fingers. I was very impressed. Installing the forged crankshaft, I measured the main journals and big end journals first with a micrometer which I can say was on spec in tolerance sizes.

The connecting rods I weighed each component and compare if there were any differences in weight. All four connecting rods measured perfect on par 565g including Arp bolts. I didn’t have to balance or grind conrods to match them. My torque settings were according MaXpeedingRods spec.  In addition to this, I did a small change to the gudgeon and pinhole size as I used BMW pistons which had a pin of 22mm instead of 20mm.

What stood out for me is the effortless rotation of the crankshaft and conrods combined. With the flick of the fingers, the crankshafts rotate, which spells out quality and precision. What I learned installing conrods is once you go MaXpeedingRods, 4340 Alloy Forged Steel, you never look back. They last for eternity. To be honest, I have achieved what I want via the conrods crankshaft and I will definitely recommend products from MaXpeedingRods to my friends in the future.


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